Liquidations, receiverships and special management - all require experience and know-how.

Sometimes companies go bankrupt or waiver on the brink of failure.

Our firm has years of experience in managing and consulting for companies undergoing liquidation, receivership or special management.

Liquidation and receivership team

Fahn Kanne & Co. Grant Thornton Israel concentrates all of the know-how and experience that have been amassed by its various departments and offers an overall basket of services to complete liquidation and receivership proceedings.  The staff of the department consists of accountants, economists and attorneys garnered from the accounting, tax and investigative accounting departments.  The members of the staff have extensive experience in accompanying liquidation and receivership proceedings and in rendering professional serviced to entities active in the industry.

The services

  • Financial statement auditing
  • Analytical reviews
  • Liquidation tax planning
  • Bookkeeping
  • Economic opinions
  • Valuations for purposes of determining the prices of assets and for court approval of transactions
  • Performing investigative accounting in liquidation proceedings
  • Preparation of reports for courts
  • Managing the process or assistance in management

Who requires our services?

The department offers its services to all parties involved in the area of liquidations and receiverships, including:

  • Banks
  • Judges and attorneys
  • Receivers
  • Official receivers
  • Registrars
  • Arbitrators handling companies with difficulties

Our experience

Our firm has extensive experience in consulting on activities involving liquidators, in managing liquidations of high-volume businesses, and in carrying out special assignments for the Tel Aviv and Haifa District Courts regarding these matters.

  • Assistance in the liquidation proceedings of Golkal, the Matok and Arzan Group and services in the matter of Rolidar.
  • Assistance to legal firms in the liquidation proceedings of educational institutions in Or Yehuda, Amgal Plaster and Construction Ltd., Elcon, the Topaz Tormous And Optomedic Group and Sayeret Y. Lavok Ltd.
  • Our firm served as the executive of the liquidation of the Ilanit Hotel in Eilat, Gamida Sons, the Adnat for Business Ltd. Group, Adit Technologies Ltd., and Data Sack Ltd.