Sometimes, businesses fail or find themselves on the brink of failure. Fahn Kanne Consulting understands this fact and will find the proper strategy for your business.


Over the past few years, we have amassed extensive know-how and experience in accompanying and consulting for companies undergoing financial difficulties, formulating recovery plans, leading refinancing processes between companies and their banks, managing liquidations and receiverships, management and consulting of bankruptcies and formulating economic models for measurement and costing of business activities.

Shlomi Bartov
Partner, CEO of Fahn Kanne Consulting.
Shlomi Bartov

Recovery and restructuring of companies

  • Analyzing the business activity and breaking it up into profit centers
  • Compiling recovery and efficiency plans
  • Reorganizing the business and operational areas of a company on the basis of a recovery plan
  • Preparing a forecasted cash flow statement (monthly and daily)
  • Debt restructuring arrangements with vendors and banks

Management of receiverships and liquidations

  • Management of receiverships and liquidations
  • Appointment as special executive
  • Management of company under bankruptcy proceedings
  • Checking repayment capability and ability to meet liabilities
  • Accounting supervision, ongoing monitoring and control