
Our firm has extra-special expertise in implementation of the internal control requirements of the Sarbanes Oxley Act which is the current industry standard with regard to risk analysis, documentation and examination of the control environment of a company. We perform many SOX-related projects and, in recent years, we have amassed thousands of hours of experience in SOX and ISOX-related work on behalf of government companies, institutional entities and publicly traded companies, using methodologies and computer programs that are designed to comply with the legal requirements in this area. In addition, we bring to the tble our many years of experience in the fields of internal auditing and control, forensic auditing and information systems auditing.

Notwithstanding the fact that implementation of the law is a statutory requirement, we believe that in addition, the process must be advantageous to the organization and provided added value, with minimal interference to the ongoing work of the client’s business. Therefore, we focus on making recommendations that will provide the organizations with maximum value and minimum investment of resources.

Our added value

  • Expertise in SOX and ISOX
  • Use of international methodologies
  • Proven experience in implementing article 404 at dozens of companies in Israel
  • Service based on the personal touch and a high level of senior management involvement
  • Integration of professional departments in the implementation process.